Reading #1: News Article Staff Absences due to Illness surge, Gaps in learning, Behavioural Issues..., Teachers Catching Covid at a faster rate
- All these articles have highlighted the issues around covid and other related illnesses that have affected students and teachers. This also brings awareness to the stress and worries that Principals, schools and staff have been battling the last two years.
Reading #2: Educational Article The Importance of Teacher Well-Being
- Research in NZ shows that Teachers have higher burnout scores than the average for workers in the human services sector.
- Individuals may interpret well-being differently depending on their culture, their character and their situation.
Reading #3: Patterns of Teachers' Occupational Well-Being
- This reading was based on a study that examined profiles' of teachers occupational well-being during the Covid-19 pandemic. The data was collected from Finnish teachers, however, I am certain that many teachers here in Aotearoa could relate to this study. Some evidence from the research highlights that teachers around the globe experienced an increase in occupational stress in just the first 4 months of the pandemic.