Thursday, August 22, 2019

Monitoring evidence, sharing, and interrogation...

Describe how you will regularly monitor shift for learners, as a result of your intervention. This includes collecting, recording and reflecting on the micro-shifts of learners over time

How have you been systematic in that collection?​

- Teacher observations

- Formative Assessments
- Student work
- Student Engagement
- Student Voice

What are you going to do with the data in terms of ‘tweaking’ your intervention?

- Change my Teacher Practice

- Find resources and materials that better cater to the students learning needs

- Communicate with ALL facilitator for support/professional advice

- Professional Readings

- Talanoa with my learners

What does the data tell you?​

- Inferencing, Vocabulary Knowledge and Acquiring Information is an area of weakness for my learners. A change in my Teacher practice I've made since identifying this, is dedicate Monday to whole class sessions. The purpose of this whole class session is to tackle the area of weaknesses. My belief is that Monday creates an opportunity for the whole class to work together on the WALT. Then Tuesday-Friday, I will work in my guided groups and continue to scaffold the WALT from Monday. If I feel the group does not need to be scaffolded, I will find the group another WALT, based on their assessment results.

Here is an image of my learners LEARNING WALL and the work they have completed around VOCABULARY, INFERENCING & ACQUIRING INFORMATION.