- One evidence I have acquired throughout the year to identify formative feedback of my target students was having a tracking sheet for each term, of their assessment results.
2. Learning Wall - this wall is filled with the students learning from our Monday (whole class) reading sessions. Some of the reading activities we have pursued this term: Word Diagram, Vocabulary Ranking, Analysing Vocabulary, Drawing characters and scenes and Hot-seating etc.
Reading whole-class on Monday: I came across my students assessment results from last term and found 3 areas the whole class needed support in. These areas were: VOCABULARY, INFERENCING AND ACQUIRING INFORMATION. I thought back to my early years of teaching and something my tutor teacher would do was use Monday as a whole class reading day and would teach grammar, vocabulary knowledge etc. That was a lightbulb moment for me and decided to try it this term.
I also took into consideration learner voice and student interest. So I chose a novel that has a movie to go with. The movie is seen as an incentive for when we finish the novel study. This term, I've split the 10 weeks over the 3 areas that needed focus on - Weeks 1-3: VOCABULARY, Week 4-6: INFERENCING, Week 7-10: ACQUIRING INFORMATION (Retrieval skills, skimming & scanning etc).
Student Ownership: Through learner voice feedback, students felt that I needed to give them more of a choice in what they are learning.
So, I created a padlet and asked my class 3 questions:
- What do you enjoy about Reading?
- What text types would you like to read more of?
- What would you like to learn about in Reading next term?
The responses were great. I had students share that they like how we use different forms of texts for reading (Song lyrics, spoken word poetry, novels, plays etc), I had some students ask for more comic based books, non-fiction books about history and I had some students ask if they can read more about historical events, stories from the islands etc.