Friday, May 29, 2020

Blog post #6: Most worthy hypotheses about teaching...

Explain the hypotheses about teaching that you decided were MOST worth testing, and why...

As identified in my blog post #5, my hypotheses are:

  1. IF I provide opportunities for more authentic learning experiences, THEN my students will be able to read & write about it in a more communicative way, because they are able to make connections to it, and write in a way that connects their audience to the experience.
  2. IF I see my target students consistently 3 times a week, for focused/guided sessions, THEN I can provide constructive feedback & feedforward on areas they need to work on i.e.Vocabulary - decoding, retrieving etc.
  3. IF I teach my students at LEVEL 4 literacy (Reading & Writing), THEN we'll most likely produce accelerate results in literacy.
  4. IF I change my teacher practice so that it encompasses opportunities of integrated learning, THEN my students will be able to consolidate strategies and learning in all areas of the curriculum (using the Learn, Create, Share model.
  5. IF I can help develop my students knowledge of vocabulary, THEN my students will be readily prepared in literacy, for high school next year.
Highlighted above are 4 chosen hypotheses worth testing. WHY? Because I want to prove to myself that changing my practice will result in better student learning outcomes.
Providing opportunities for more authentic learning experiences, accelerate teaching, explicit teaching AND integrated learning is new to my practice. I'm hoping this change is for the better that end of year data proves it too.
  • Authentic learning experiences enables deep sharing through talanoa, semi-structured interviews, questioning, visual learning and more.
  • Seeing the students for in-depth guided lessons allows me to specify which areas in literacy they need support with. For example, in Vocabulary, there are many strategies to teach, such as decoding, retrieving, interpreting and explaining etc. Receiving constant feedback and feedforward is crucial to students developmental understanding.
  • To receive accelerate progress, you must teach at an accelerate level. With the ALL intervention strategies such as front-loading, double dosing, gradual release of responsibility, I'm hoping the students learning will progress noticeably faster in an upward movement.
  • Integration fits perfectly with the learn, create, share model. What better way to incorporate the Manaiakalani way than through integrated learning.

Professional Reading #1

Title of Book/Reading/Study Programme
How can a makerspace in the school setting increased motivation, engagement, and achievement for Pasifika and Maori

Author/s or Lecturer/s or Speaker/s
Rebecca Bishop and Savelina Lepou
  • Through teacher-led inquiry, a group of teachers and students from an Auckland primary school created a school 'makerspace' learning environment with the aim to use it as a space to improve learning for Maori and Pasifika students at risk of underachieving.
  • Students were engaged in the project. They responded well to the given opportunities in sharing their ideas, making choices and developing their skills for future use of the makerspace.
  • Project based learning emerged as a pedagogy in the creation of the makerspace. (ie. Passion projects or Genius hour)
  • Further teacher led inquiries were developed to investigate how teachers can effectively support students to transfer the skills from learning in the makerspace, back in to their classrooms.
  • This reading was given to me by Allen Wu (Woolf Fisher researcher), who suggested it would help with my inquiry this year. 
  • This Reading provides insight into what I can apply in my classroom that will enable my target students to feel supported in their learning. To ensure my learning environment or 'makerspace' has accessible resources, student selected texts, technological devices, a culturally responsive setting that encourages them to feel 'safe' and motivated to learn in all areas, in particular, literacy. This will further support my CoL inquiry for the year.
How will it help me? How has it helped me?
  • Importance of Student Voice and including students in decision making 
  • Trusting the students to take the lead in the project
  • Giving time to create, plan and reflect
  • Online Resources - making sure everything was accessible by the students
  • Purposeful Learning - students to know and be aware of the purpose for what and why they are learning it
So What?

  • Making sure the class is an inclusive learning environment. Knowing it is important for our Maori and Pasifika students to feel at home and safe, giving them a sense of belonging.
  • Acknowledging students ideas in what we're learning. If the students want to make an 'umu for their language week, encourage the idea. If they plan to build a school fale, support them with the planning for it.
  • Provide an opportunity for higher level learning to take place - having resources available, provide opportunities for authentic learning experiences, reading and writing about their experiences etc.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Blog post #5: Developing Hypotheses...

Describe your process for developing hypotheses (hunch) e.g. what you read, who you talked with...

Developing a hypotheses proved to be challenging this year. With the national lockdown, everything that use to be deemed 'normal' was no more. So, I had to sit and really think this one through.

After discussions with my fellow CoL teacher (Poto) and our school Management team, we've identified that literacy is still an area of concern.

The following things are what I have identified as my hypotheses. I feel that if I manage to accomplish these steps or make some progress on these things, it will further clarify what my next steps would be in regards to my inquiry.

  1. IF I provide opportunities for more authentic learning experiences, THEN my students will be able to read & write about it in a more communicative way, because they are able to make connections to it, and write in a way that connects their audience to the experience.
  2. IF I encourage Talanoa as a methodology for gaining insight from my students, THEN I am taking into account my students ethnic/cultural practices and creating an environment that my students feel connected to.
  3. IF I teach my students at LEVEL 4, THEN we'll most likely produce accelerate results.
  4. IF I change my teacher practice so that it encompasses opportunities of integrated learning, THEN my students will be able to consolidate strategies and learning in all areas of the curriculum (using the Learn, Create, Share model.)
  5. IF I can help develop my students knowledge of vocabulary in literacy, THEN my students will develop an in-depth understanding that will enable them to think critically about what they're reading/writing.