Thursday, April 13, 2023

Blogpost #4: Discussion with SLT and catalytic Issue of learning

Following on from my blogpost #2...

Upon discussions with SLT, we agreed that my focus will be on the Reading Practice Intensive. I am a mentor teacher for two teachers in my team, who are part of this programme. My role is to support my teachers build their capability through RPI, ensure they have access to up-to date practice content during our meetings and watch the impact this intervention makes on their wider practice and eventually improve learning outcomes for our learners.

READING continues to be an area of weakness in the cluster and within our school. 

If you look at the graph below for our writing data, learners from our Y7-8 cohorts are at, above or very close to the norm. You can see it's quite complex to distinguish the norm line from the Maori, Pasifika and GTS data. To me, this is a good sign.

Whereas, with our reading data, there is a wider gap for our Maori and Pasifika Y7-8 learners between them and the national norm. You'll notice the dotted norm line is higher.

We decided as a team that content and practice knowledge acquired through RPI will be implemented in all our classes. Consistency is key! As a team, we run on a collaborative model. We plan and teach collaboratively and it only makes sense that I too, incorporate the tools and methods my mentee teachers are expected to use.

The group of learners we wish to focus on, are all our students, but with a close eye on our Maori and Pasifika learners.

We hope that the RPI programme will enable us to make a difference in the learning this year and show a shift in our end of year reading data.

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