Thursday, July 20, 2023

Blogpost #9: CoL Teacher Inquiry: Causal Chain

Our task before the next CoL meeting was to create a causal chain to structure our thinking in regards to our intervention and to understand more deeply what we can do as a result in a shift of student achievement. Also, to share this causal chain on our blogs. Here is my causal chain that summarises my inquiry so far and begins to layout a plan for my intervention in Term 3.

I have zoomed in on this part of my causal chain as it highlights key aspects of my intervention and my plans for Term 3 onwards. Creating this causal chain gives allows me to monitor and track my inquiry. It also allows me to visualise where I want my students to be at the end of the year and what learning (student and teacher) will gain from this.

A key part of my inquiry is setting up a 'vocab wall' in class and to ensure my mentee teachers do the same. This was recommended through RPI. I also endeavour to plan opportunities for my learners to build their confidence in asking questions and seeking clarification of vocabulary meaning.  

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