Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Blogpost #12: Intervention Tools - changes implemented in teacher practice...(Teacher Workbook)

 Thanks to the RPI intervention, we gained a thorough and more in-depth understanding of what a Teacher workbook should consist. We were given an example of a Teacher workbook, teacher modelling book etc. 

As a team, we agreed that it was too much to have different documents. As a teacher, we like to work 'smarter, not harder', so we decided to combine the 2 and title it TEACHER WORKBOOK. In this google spreadsheet, we also have an achievement data tab that includes learners achievement data for reading, from all their assessments between the beginning of year and end of year. This helps us teachers track and monitor the learner and the progress they make throughout the year.

For every couple of weeks, we have a tab that has the learning intentions, deliberate acts of teaching and a column that allows us to reflect on how the lesson went and what we have observed during our guided reading sessions.

These changes have really helped me and my teacher practice around reading. I feel more efficient and I have evidence of the teaching/learning that takes place when I see the students. I also have a 'one stop shop' where I can easily access data for learners and teacher observation anecdotal notes. This will also help me with report writing. Even if parents request to an appointment to check in on their child's learning, the teacher workbook is sufficient enough.

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