Wednesday, December 6, 2023

**Final thoughts for 2023...


  • I aspire to use the opportunity of gaining AS CoL to mentor the teaching and learning of teachers and students in our cluster - with a specific focus on Culturally Responsive Pedagogies and the transition of Year 8 students into High School.

How can I measure that?

  • Considerable experience working with GTS colleagues and Y7&8 students - also have worked with colleagues from a couple schools in our cluster (GI, Glen Brae & Ruapotaka School), to assist students’ transfer from primary to secondary learning by boosting their readiness, engagement, agency and confidence.
  • My experience has helped me understand that most of the content as well as the methods of our formal education systems continue to be based on western rather than indigenous methodologies. This is what drives me to believe that teachers of Pasifika learners should continue to implement the Culturally Responsive Competencies into their practice, if they - and their students - are to succeed.

So what? 

  • I believe I have the experience and the ideas for making a success of this role in 2024. It will allow me to contribute and innovate in a way that could be a game changer in our cluster and ultimately contribute to helping bridge the gap between Primary (Year 8) and High School (Year 9 and 10) learning for Manaiakalani learners.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Blog post #15 - Monitoring - Checkpoint #2

We've entered the term of Assessments.

Right now, is where I share some Quantitative Data on shifts that were made in my team of students and teachers.

Before sharing the data, I just want to highlight the shifts/changes in practice we've made so far this year. 

  1. Reading Programme - Collaborative Approach in teaching and grouping of learners. We cross-grouped our students.
  2. Implementation of RPI resources/Ideas
  3. Task boards instead of Tumbles
  4. Mahi Tracker - for students to link their work
  5. Teacher Workbook - includes assessment data for students throughout the year, teacher reflections & observations from lessons
Everything listed above played a part in the intervention this year. What I am looking for now are shifts from BOY data and EOY (in all areas).

Below are the results from my classes BOY assessments. We are hoping to make a shift of a norm diff gain of 1.3+ in Maths and 2 in Reading.

Reading Comprehension & Vocabulary:

