Thursday, June 6, 2024

Student Profiling...

This blog post explains who my target students are:

I have 2 groups of students that I will be working closely with this year.

Group 1: 6 Y8 students who I currently teach and I know they will be going to Tamaki College next year.

Group 2: 6 Y9 students who study down at Tamaki College. I will be using their expertise to help me develop my intervention/s for my inquiry this year.

I also would like to see them as some sort of mentors for the Y8 students. Try and have them meet couple times a term to help with preparing our Y8 learners., especially in Literacy.

To find out more information, I created a google form to collect student voice from my Y8 learners about learning in Literacy.

For my Y9 experts, I had imported the questions above into a google form and had them fill it out. We met as a group, and although they filled out their responses via forms, we had some deep and meaningful talanoa out of this.

After collecting the information from both of my groups - I will sit down and analyze the findings before creating my hypotheses.

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